"Interconnected Network" - or more popularly known as the Internet - is a global communications system that links computers and computer networks around the world. Every computer and network connected - directly or indirectly - to some of the main trail, called "Internet backbone" and are distinguished from one another using a "unique names" commonly referred to as "IP address" 32 bits. Example: (indo.net.id). Computers and networks with different platforms have different and characteristic of each (Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac, etc.) to exchange information with a standard protocol known as TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).
Internet Usage
Many usability benefits obtained from the Internet in all fields (business, academic, government, organizations etc), among others:1. The information is obtained more quickly and inexpensively with the application :
6. Data exchange
Internet History
In 1969, the U.S. Defense Department research agency, DARPA's (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency), funded a study to float data communication network between computers. This research aims to develop communication arrangements between computers that meet the following requirements:
- NewsGroup
- Gopher
- etc
- Incoming Internet Newspapers
- Magazines, brochures, etc.
- Image Company
- Introduction, and ordering products
- WWW Customer Support
- Video Conferencing
- Internet Relay Chat
- Internet Phone
6. Data exchange
Internet History
In 1969, the U.S. Defense Department research agency, DARPA's (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency), funded a study to float data communication network between computers. This research aims to develop communication arrangements between computers that meet the following requirements:
- Working in a transparent manner, through a variety of data communication networks that are connected to one another.
- Resistant to various disturbances (natural disasters, nuclear attack and others.)
Successful development of this network and generate the ARPANET.
Internet applications is the first time found FTP, following E-mail address and Telnet. ARPANET becomes increasingly large. Data communication protocol used at that time, namely NCP (Network Communication Protocol), was not able to accommodate this large computer networks. To overcome this problem later DARPA funded the manufacture of more general communication protocols. This protocol called TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). In 1982 the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) says TCP / IP became the standard for its network. This Protocol and adopted a standard ARPANET in 1983. Bolt Beranek Newman company (BBN) makes protocol TCP / IP running on the UNIX operating system. In Saar's starting a marriage between the UNIX and TCP / IP. In 1984 the number of Internet hosts exceeds 10 000 units and at this time naming the computer still uses the host name table functions. With the growing size of the host on the Internet is creating problems in penamaannya. To solve this problem then introduced the Domain Name System (DNS) that replace the host name table. Domain name system is that until now we use to write the host name. In 1986, the national science agency of the United States U.S., National Science Foundation (NSF) to fund the manufacture TCP / IP network called NSFNET network is used to connect five supercomputer centers and allows connection of the universities in the United States with the speed backbone network (backbone ) equal to 56kbps. These networks then become the embryo development of the Internet that we know today. In the year 1987 stood UUNET is now a major provider of vague Internet. It was also the year the number of hosts across angka10.000. A year later NSFNET backbone network upgraded to T1 (1544 Mbps). In addition there are also several countries in Europe that entered the NSFNET network. In 1989 development of the Internet becomes more widespread and to reach Australia and New Zealand. In that year the number of hosts on the Internet reaching 100 000 Two years later the number of applications on the Internet increases with the creation of Wide Area Information Server (WAIS), Ghoper, and the World Wide Web (WWW). In that year the backbone network speeds increased to T3 (45Mbps). In 1992 the number of hosts on the Internet reaching one million host. One trigger of this development is the ever-expanding developments contained in the Internet Gopher. In this year also for the first time conducted a radio broadcast audio and video multicast via IETF MBONE (multicast backbone).
WWW (Wold Wide Web)
Before the development of the WWW, the Internet is generally only used by academics and research. In 1993, NCSA released Mosaic, the WWW browser with graphics capabilities. This browser can be used on Windows and Macintosh. In that year also appeared the result of Mosaic. This can be seen from the development of the WWW data traffic at that time reached almost 342 000% while only 997% Gopher development. Business world and the media also began to glance at the Internet because of this development. Mosaic presence proved to be a turning point was the development of the Internet is only used by academics and research, to be used by the people for business and entertainment it is today.
Services in the TCP / IP (Internet)
WWW Service is currently the most popular service among all types of services TCP / IP. WWW server is accessed using WWW browser such as Netscape and Internet Explorer. Protocol used for this service is HHTP (Hypertex Transfer Protocol) Telnet Service allows Internet users to log into another computer, and run-command perinta in existing computers. E-mail services, including applications that are currently popular on the Internet. Protocol used for this service is SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) to send the email. POP (Post Office Protocol) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) to retrieve email from the server. USENET service is a type of service similar to e-mail. DaLA, news service, users send a letter to the newsgroups that discuss the topic-specific topics. In USENET servers connected to each other and forward any mail received to another server under agreed rules between servers. Protocols to distribute news is NNTP (News Transport Protocol Network). Services IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is one of interactive services that can be found on TCP / IP network. On the Internet there are many interconnected IRC servers and Internet users simply go to any indecent server to be able to chat with other users even if they go to a different server. Developments in Internet services increases with the audio and video services that are streamed. Streaming is a type of service that directly process the data received, without waiting for completion of all data sent. Streaming application example is RealPlayer from RealNetworks.
Internet has a very good growth and very rapid current. From statistical data obtained, are as follows:
Starting Internet
To start the Internet at least we need a computer, modem and telephone line. We also need to register to an Internet Service Provider to be able to get the software and access to the Internet.
Internet Service Provider is a company that provides services to the Internet or can be referred to as the gateway to the Internet. So we can connect to the Internet we need to register with the ISP to get the name and nature at on the Internet.
Type of connection provided by your Internet Service Provider:
* IP Connection
If all the hardware and software that we have wanted to directly connect to or access to the Internet, then we must use the IP (Internet Protocol) address.
* Dial UP Connection
If we use a modem to dial into the ISP to obtain a connection to the Internet, then it is called a dial-up access.
Internet applications is the first time found FTP, following E-mail address and Telnet. ARPANET becomes increasingly large. Data communication protocol used at that time, namely NCP (Network Communication Protocol), was not able to accommodate this large computer networks. To overcome this problem later DARPA funded the manufacture of more general communication protocols. This protocol called TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). In 1982 the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) says TCP / IP became the standard for its network. This Protocol and adopted a standard ARPANET in 1983. Bolt Beranek Newman company (BBN) makes protocol TCP / IP running on the UNIX operating system. In Saar's starting a marriage between the UNIX and TCP / IP. In 1984 the number of Internet hosts exceeds 10 000 units and at this time naming the computer still uses the host name table functions. With the growing size of the host on the Internet is creating problems in penamaannya. To solve this problem then introduced the Domain Name System (DNS) that replace the host name table. Domain name system is that until now we use to write the host name. In 1986, the national science agency of the United States U.S., National Science Foundation (NSF) to fund the manufacture TCP / IP network called NSFNET network is used to connect five supercomputer centers and allows connection of the universities in the United States with the speed backbone network (backbone ) equal to 56kbps. These networks then become the embryo development of the Internet that we know today. In the year 1987 stood UUNET is now a major provider of vague Internet. It was also the year the number of hosts across angka10.000. A year later NSFNET backbone network upgraded to T1 (1544 Mbps). In addition there are also several countries in Europe that entered the NSFNET network. In 1989 development of the Internet becomes more widespread and to reach Australia and New Zealand. In that year the number of hosts on the Internet reaching 100 000 Two years later the number of applications on the Internet increases with the creation of Wide Area Information Server (WAIS), Ghoper, and the World Wide Web (WWW). In that year the backbone network speeds increased to T3 (45Mbps). In 1992 the number of hosts on the Internet reaching one million host. One trigger of this development is the ever-expanding developments contained in the Internet Gopher. In this year also for the first time conducted a radio broadcast audio and video multicast via IETF MBONE (multicast backbone).
WWW (Wold Wide Web)
Before the development of the WWW, the Internet is generally only used by academics and research. In 1993, NCSA released Mosaic, the WWW browser with graphics capabilities. This browser can be used on Windows and Macintosh. In that year also appeared the result of Mosaic. This can be seen from the development of the WWW data traffic at that time reached almost 342 000% while only 997% Gopher development. Business world and the media also began to glance at the Internet because of this development. Mosaic presence proved to be a turning point was the development of the Internet is only used by academics and research, to be used by the people for business and entertainment it is today.
Services in the TCP / IP (Internet)
WWW Service is currently the most popular service among all types of services TCP / IP. WWW server is accessed using WWW browser such as Netscape and Internet Explorer. Protocol used for this service is HHTP (Hypertex Transfer Protocol) Telnet Service allows Internet users to log into another computer, and run-command perinta in existing computers. E-mail services, including applications that are currently popular on the Internet. Protocol used for this service is SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) to send the email. POP (Post Office Protocol) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) to retrieve email from the server. USENET service is a type of service similar to e-mail. DaLA, news service, users send a letter to the newsgroups that discuss the topic-specific topics. In USENET servers connected to each other and forward any mail received to another server under agreed rules between servers. Protocols to distribute news is NNTP (News Transport Protocol Network). Services IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is one of interactive services that can be found on TCP / IP network. On the Internet there are many interconnected IRC servers and Internet users simply go to any indecent server to be able to chat with other users even if they go to a different server. Developments in Internet services increases with the audio and video services that are streamed. Streaming is a type of service that directly process the data received, without waiting for completion of all data sent. Streaming application example is RealPlayer from RealNetworks.
Internet Growth
Internet has a very good growth and very rapid current. From statistical data obtained, are as follows:
- 3 million hosts are connected at the end of 1994
- Population 30 million users (1995)
- Growth of 10% per month
- 100 million users in 1998, estimated the year 2010 everyone will be connected to the Internet
- Email dominate 75% of business relationships.
Starting Internet
To start the Internet at least we need a computer, modem and telephone line. We also need to register to an Internet Service Provider to be able to get the software and access to the Internet.
Internet Service Provider is a company that provides services to the Internet or can be referred to as the gateway to the Internet. So we can connect to the Internet we need to register with the ISP to get the name and nature at on the Internet.
Type of connection provided by your Internet Service Provider:
* IP Connection
If all the hardware and software that we have wanted to directly connect to or access to the Internet, then we must use the IP (Internet Protocol) address.
* Dial UP Connection
If we use a modem to dial into the ISP to obtain a connection to the Internet, then it is called a dial-up access.
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