Option Explicit ' if True, also fonts are resized ' Public ResizeFont As Boolean ' if True, form's height/width ratio is preserved ' Public KeepRatio As Boolean Private Type TControlInfo ctrl As Control Left As Single Top As Single Width As Single Height As Single FontSize As Single Tag As String End Type Private Type TAllowChanges AllowChangeTop As Boolean AllowChangeLeft As Boolean AllowChangeWidth As Boolean AllowChangeHeight As Boolean End Type ' this array holds the original position ' ' and size of all controls on parent form ' Dim Controls() As TControlInfo ' a reference to the parent form ' Private WithEvents ParentForm As Form ' parent form's size at load time ' Private ParentWidth As Single Private ParentHeight As Single ' ratio of original height/width ' Private HeightWidthRatio As Single Private Function CheckForChanges(ByVal TagToUse As String) As TAllowChanges On Error Resume Next Dim ChangesToAllow As TAllowChanges ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeTop = True ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeLeft = True ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeWidth = True ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeHeight = True If TagToUse <> "" Then If UCase(Left(TagToUse, 9)) = "MSIRESIZE" Then ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeTop = False ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeLeft = False ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeWidth = False ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeHeight = False If Mid(TagToUse, 10, 1) = "Y" Then ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeLeft = True End If If Mid(TagToUse, 11, 1) = "Y" Then ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeTop = True End If If Mid(TagToUse, 12, 1) = "Y" Then ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeWidth = True End If If Mid(TagToUse, 13, 1) = "Y" Then ChangesToAllow.AllowChangeHeight = True End If End If End If CheckForChanges = ChangesToAllow End Function Private Sub ParentForm_Load() On Error Resume Next ' the ParentWidth variable works as a flag ' ParentWidth = 0 ' save original ratio ' HeightWidthRatio = ParentForm.Height / ParentForm.Width End Sub Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag) On Error Resume Next ResizeFont = PropBag.ReadProperty("ResizeFont", False) KeepRatio = PropBag.ReadProperty("KeepRatio", False) If Ambient.UserMode = False Then Exit Sub End If ' store a reference to the parent form and start receiving events ' Set ParentForm = Parent End Sub Private Sub UserControl_Resize() On Local Error Resume Next UserControl.Width = 480 UserControl.Height = 480 End Sub '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' trap the parent form's Resize event ' ' this include the very first resize event ' ' that occurs soon after form's load ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub ParentForm_Resize() On Error Resume Next If ParentWidth = 0 Then Rebuild Else Refresh End If End Sub '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' save size and position of all controls on parent form ' ' you should manually invoke this method each time you add a new control ' ' to the form (through Load method of a control array) ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sub Rebuild() On Error Resume Next ' rebuild the internal table Dim i As Integer Dim ctrl As Control ' Dim Changes As TAllowChanges ' this is necessary for controls that don't support ' all properties (e.g. Timer controls) On Error Resume Next If Ambient.UserMode = False Then Exit Sub End If ' save a reference to the parent form, and its initial size Set ParentForm = UserControl.Parent ParentWidth = ParentForm.ScaleWidth ParentHeight = ParentForm.ScaleHeight ' read the position of all controls on the parent form ReDim Controls(ParentForm.Controls.Count - 1) As TControlInfo For i = 0 To ParentForm.Controls.Count - 1 Set ctrl = ParentForm.Controls(i) ' Changes = CheckForChanges(ctrl) Controls(i).Tag = ctrl.Tag With Controls(i) Set .ctrl = ctrl ' If Changes.AllowChangeLeft = True Then .Left = ctrl.Left ' End If ' If Changes.AllowChangeTop = True Then .Top = ctrl.Top ' End If If .Tag = "" Then ' If Changes.AllowChangeTop = True Then .Width = ctrl.Width ' End If ' If Changes.AllowChangeTop = True Then .Height = ctrl.Height ' End If .FontSize = ctrl.Font.Size End If End With Next End Sub ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' update size and position of controls on parent form ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sub Refresh() On Error Resume Next Dim i As Integer Dim ctrl As Control Dim minFactor As Single Dim widthFactor As Single Dim heightFactor As Single Dim Changes As TAllowChanges ' inhibits recursive calls if KeepRatio = True ' Static executing As Boolean If executing Then Exit Sub End If If Ambient.UserMode = False Then Exit Sub End If If KeepRatio Then executing = True ' we must keep original ratio ' ParentForm.Height = HeightWidthRatio * ParentForm.Width executing = False End If ' this is necessary for controls that don't support ' ' all properties (e.g. Timer controls) ' On Error Resume Next widthFactor = ParentForm.ScaleWidth / ParentWidth heightFactor = ParentForm.ScaleHeight / ParentHeight ' take the lesser of the two ' If widthFactor < heightFactor Then minFactor = widthFactor Else minFactor = heightFactor End If ' this is a regular resize ' For i = 0 To UBound(Controls) Changes = CheckForChanges(Controls(i).ctrl.Tag) With Controls(i) ' move and resize the controls - we can't use a Move ' ' method because some controls do not support the change ' ' of all the four properties (e.g. Height with comboboxes) ' If Changes.AllowChangeLeft = True Then .ctrl.Left = .Left * widthFactor End If If Changes.AllowChangeTop = True Then .ctrl.Top = .Top * heightFactor End If If .Tag = "" Then ' the change of font must occur *before* the resizing ' ' to account for companion scrollbar of listbox ' ' and other similar controls ' If ResizeFont Then .ctrl.Font.Size = .FontSize * minFactor End If If Changes.AllowChangeWidth = True Then .ctrl.Width = .Width * widthFactor End If If Changes.AllowChangeHeight = True Then .ctrl.Height = .Height * heightFactor End If End If End With Next End Sub Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag) Call PropBag.WriteProperty("ResizeFont", ResizeFont, False) Call PropBag.WriteProperty("KeepRatio", KeepRatio, False) End Sub
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